The Tangle Box (Magic Kingdom of Landover, Book 4)

By Terry Brooks.

The Tangle Box (Magic Kingdom of Landover, Book 4)


OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB...Everything should have been quiet and pleasant for Ben Holiday, the former Chicago lawyer who became sovereign of the Magic Kingdom of Landover. But it wasn't.Horris Kew, conjurer, confidence-man, and trickster, had returned to Landover from Ben's own world. Alas, Horris had not returned of his own volition--he had been sent by the Gorse, a sorcerer of great evil, whom Horris had unwittingly freed from the magic Tangle Box, where it had long ago been imprisoned by the fairy folk. Now it had returned to enslave those who had once dared condemn it. But first...


0345387007, 9780345387004

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