SPANISH in 10 minutes a day: Language course for beginning and advanced study. Includes Workbook, Flash Cards, Sticky Labels, Menu Guide, Software, ... Grammar. Bilingual Books, Inc. (Publisher)

By Kristine K. Kershul.

SPANISH in 10 minutes a day: Language course for beginning and advanced study.  Includes Workbook, Flash Cards, Sticky Labels, Menu Guide, Software, ... Grammar.  Bilingual Books, Inc. (Publisher)


It’s the perfect time to learn Spanish! The ever-popular "SPANISH in 10 minutes a day" now comes with a new digital download creating an even better hands-on language learning experience. You’ll learn everything you’ll need for your travels abroad! From the time you step off the plane, hop in a cab and order your first “cerveza,” your language needs are covered! Fun, fast, easy and interactive―"SPANISH in 10 minutes a day" is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.The "10 minutes a day" Program:The "10 minutes a day" ...


1931873305, 9781931873307

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